Ask any woman if she feels tired, run-down, and overwhelmed, and most will probably answer yes. Today's woman has so much on her plate and is pulled in all different directions.
While stress can be a big contributor toward such exhaustion, our own bodies may be to blame as well. The Natural Superwoman by Uzzi Reiss, M.D., Ob/Gyn and Yfat Reiss Gendell, explains how to naturally cure whatever is ailing your body. (Catch the author's interview with CBS News here.
As the subtitle of the book states, it's "The Scientifically Backed Program for Feeling Great, Looking Younger, and Enjoying Amazing Energy at Any Age." The self-help book, published by Penguin Group, is a valuable resource for women and is great to have at your fingertips if you're experiencing a particular problem.
There are quizzes interspersed throughout the book to help you understand different issues better, and the one most interesting to me was the quiz (and the chapter) on stress.
After taking the quiz and realizing that I definitely fit into this category, I read about natural ways to treat tension such as visualization and deep breathing. The rest of the chapter deals with the affects of stress on the body, like adrenal exhaustion, and how to go about being tested for such effects.
The authors give very specific advice on natural treatments for dozens of issues, from insomnia to depression to memory and more.
No one knows your body better than you do, so why not make sure you are doing all you can to protect yourself against illness and disease? The Natural Superwoman is one step toward doing just that.

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