Monday, February 18, 2008

Body Surfing - Review and Giveaway

There is nothing more I love in a book than a character who has bigger problems than I do. I love seeing how the character handles the situations most of all.

So when I read Body Surfing by Anita Shreve, I was enthralled to say the least. Sydney, the main character, encounters so many different personality types and I kept thinking about how I personally would've reacted to each one. Not as well as Sydney I have to admit!

Through Sydney, we get an inside look into the inner dynamics and workings of a family that she begins to work for. It's like getting to be a fly on the wall in this oh-so-interesting household. The biggest twist being that the two brothers fall for Sydney. I can't say more without giving the whole book away, but I promise you do NOT want to miss this one!

I was already a big fan of Anita Shreve. (Have you read her book The Weight of Water? It's one of my favorites.)

I love her writing flows so easily. She has a way of composing her words so that you forget you're reading a story. It sucks you in and keeps you turning page after page. Read an excerpt here from Body Surfing for yourself to see what I mean.

This is one of those books that I couldn't wait to lay in bed and read every night. I looked forward to seeing what would befall Sydney next, and, as I said, how she would handle it all.

Want to get lost in Body Surfing yourself? I am giving away one copy of the novel to one lucky reader, courtesy of Hachette Book Group USA! All you have to do is leave a comment here on this post. For a double entry, simply post a link to this contest and to Body Surfing on your own site.

Deadline to enter is 11:59 p.m. EST, Monday, March 3. Winner will be selected at random using and announced on March 4. Good luck and happy reading!


Tarasview said...

I'd love to win this book if your contest is open to Canadians!

taradawnrobertson (at) hotmail (d0t) com

lace said...

I love her books. My favorite is The Pilots Wife.

Jenny said...

This book looks great!

megret7 said...

Sounds like a fab summer read. Count me in. ( meg dot wilson at gmail dot com )

Stephanie said...

Love the title, and I love to body surf in Hawaii, so I really want to read her book. Looks like fun!

Bree said...

This book looks great!

Corina said...

I absolutely fell in love the The Pilots Wife. I would love to read this book, sounds like its just as good, or maybe better!
thanks for a great giveaway!

Julie said...

I too love Anita Shreve!

Mary512 said...

blogged ya:

thanks for the entries!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Thanks for the chance to win.


windycindy said...

I am not yet familiar with this author. You make her book sound very intriguing! Please enter me in your fabulous book drawing. I appreciate it! Thanks,Cindi

Laura said...

Anita Shreve is one of my favorite authors - my favorite so far is "The Last Time They Met." Thanks for entering me!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great read! Thanks...

Katie B said...

I'm always looking for new book titles to check out, and this one looks great. Thanks for the chance to win! ~Katie

Tonya said...

Count me in, I'm craving some new reads.

PS said...

I really am dying for some new reads...I just don't know where to start!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

I love Anita Shreve! Weight of Water, Pilot's Wife... thanks for the giveaway!

Danielle said...

Id love to try out this author!
Thanks for the chance!
dansan826 at

misty2 said...

I love to read, this sounds like a great book.

Kristy said...

sounds like an awesome read. i love giveaways!

phxbne said...

I would love to read this - thanks!

Michelle said...

I just finished reading "The Pilot's Wife" yesterday by the same author. It was wonderful. I'd love to read another title by her!

Anonymous said...

It would be fun to win this.

CPA Mom said...

I'm a huge Anita Shreve fan - count me in!

Check out the two contests on my blog right now - book The Sky Isn't Visible from here by the awesome Felicia Sullivan and software from Microsoft.

ChristyJan said...

I would love to be entered to win a copy of this book!

Courtney said...

I would also love to be entered. Thanks!

anne said...

Please enter me. I have read all of this author's books and love them. A great writer.

ruth said...

I enjoy Anita Shreve's novels. They always transport to another realm. Thanks for the giveaway.

megan said...

I'd love to read this book and more of your blog. Glad I found it.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read it!


Mrs. Aceto said...

I only read books by authors that others have read more than one book of because my free time is so little that I can't "waste" time reading a book that isn't good so I am so excited to try her books... would love to start with this one.

Jennifer said...

I love Anita Shreve! I'd love to win, so please count me in!

Jennifer :-)

PatriciaJ said...

I love Anita Shreve, but Ann Patchett is my all time favorite.

Becca said...

I love reading books with quirky characters...maybe that is related to why I chose to major in Psychology.

jennifer57 said...

look like a good book :)

joanne117 said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this. Anita Shreve is one of my favorite authors.

Anonymous said...

Very nice

Anonymous said...

I really want to read this book!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read this!

Anonymous said...

id like to read this

agordon10 said...

the weight of water was awesome!

Mystnrayne said...

enter me too please.

Unknown said...

I want to win!

Anonymous said...

I am a huge reader and have enjoyed all of this authors titles. Keep up the good work.

randio said...

Anita Shreve is a fantastic author, I'd love to win this book! Thanks for the chance!

carissaad said...

I love finding out about new books and this sounds like a great one.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a fun read!

Anonymous said...

My wife will enjoy this hope I win it for her.

Mya Brooks said...

What a fun-sounding book!

redron said...

love to read looks like a good read

Anonymous said...

I will read anything!!!

tatertot374 said...

thank you. love to read

Fangirl Jen said...

This sounds like a great book.

dwarzel said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this

susan1215 said...

please enter me

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

thanks for the contest

Anonymous said...

I would love a chance to read this

mverno said...

read what

Anonymous said...

Love to sit back and read this book!

idahomom said...

I am looking for a new author. I am tired of the same old same old.

sachidewey said...

I need a new book to read!

mousitch said...

Great writer...easy on the eyes too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Would love to win this book!

Angela said...

I'd love to have a copy!!

I blogged you too

Kimberly B. said...

I've never read any of Shreve's books, but I'd love to win one!

Anonymous said...

Interesting book

yadgirl said...

Include me, please

Ivÿ said...

i love her books esp The Pilot's Wife.

Guess this one will be special, too.


Bani said...

You know what? From the cover and title alone, I would've never even given this book a chance. But your review has me wanting to go find and read it. :D A variety of personalities = A recipe for greatness. Nothing bores me more than seeing the same type of character being rehashed over and over.. though once and a great while it seems to work out and be enthralling. Anyway my point is- Body Surfing sounds good. I'd love to win it. The only downside is if I love it and finish it and there's no sequel! Haha. :D But hopefully the plot has closure? Anyway, see ya.

e-mail- wakeupangel at gmail dot com

vboackle said...

looks like an interesting book.

sweetsue said...

I have been wanting to read this. Your review makes it sound even better than I thought.

Anonymous said...

I've read some other Anita Shreev books, and I'd love to read this one!

tetewa said...

I'd like the chance for a copy!

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this.

kitnlov said...

I've always enjoyed her books. This looks to be another good one.

Anonymous said...

I love love love Anita Shreve's books. I'd love to add this to my collection.

ky2here said...

This would be a fun book for our library.

bison61 said...

I'd love to win this book

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...

I love to read and this sounds like a great book

Linda SS said...

Sounds like a fun book - thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Looks great!!!

jennem said...

I would love to read this. Please enter me, and thank you!

Tisa said...

I'd love to read this! Please count me in too! ~ :) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

love to read this.

purplepassion126 said...

I'd love to read this--thanks!

PowerSweepstaking said...

on vacation yet... how could I miss one of your contests... !

Anonymous said...

I haven't read her books, but would love to :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

KISSaholic4life said...

Surfin ROCKS!

cdrury said...

Would love to own this book - thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I love Anita Shreve's books

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great read! Thanks for sharing!

tiffwins said...

I love Anita Shreve!

Niki said...

Looks interesting

Katie B said...

I haven't read any of Anita Shreve's books yet, but I will have to look for them at the library. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

sounds like the perfect spring break read!

Donna said...

would like it.

Terri Dell said...

I have a few books by Anita Shreve and love them all. This sounds to be another winner.

yellowlabs said...

Would love to win!

Anonymous said...

I have never read this author's work before. Sounds intewresting.

Karrie said...

I would love to win this book!

Heather said...

I like the handiness and not having to worry about how much to use!

Jinxy and Me said...

Sounds like a great book. I would love to win!

Meredith said...

Looks good!

Crystal F said...

I would love the chance to read the book! Thank you!

Becky said...

I love Anita Shreve's book's...I would love to win one.

Samantha P said...

this sounds like a really good read!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like good reading!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book.

Anonymous said...

please enter me

Unknown said...

Anita Shreve is an excellent author. I would love to read this one.

Kathy said...

I think I'd really enjoy reading this book.

toyota said...

Would really love to win this novel. Have heard so many good things about it. thanks for offering the novel in a sweeps.

Anonymous said...

Sweet niblets!

Sylvia P said...

this sounds really interesting. sign me up!

Tim Sternberg said...

I'd love to win this book.

masonsgranny59 said...

ty 4 the nice contest!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

OH Boy! Yippee!! Count Me In!!

Unknown said...

I have been wanting to read this book for awhile.

zoe said...

I would love to read this !! Thanks..Zoe

Catrina Pomerleau said...

I would love to read this book.

Betty C said...

Sounds like a book I'd love to read.

Taryn said...

I'd love this!

Erica G said...

I love books!

Anonymous said...

id like to try this book for my book club!

lilyk said...

Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

good Job!: )

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