This past weekend, I was rushing to get ready for church and had counted on my kids to have eaten their breakfast already. They'll usually grab a bowl of cereal, microwave some pancakes, etc. on their own (I know...lucky me!)
Instead, as I told them, "Let's go!" Natalie (my 7-year-old) announced that she hadn't eaten yet. And I had plans to run errands after church.
If only I had remembered to purchase Breakfast Breaks at the grocery store! I would've saved myself from having to get some fast food on the road. It is now on this week's list for sure.
We were given the opportunity to try Breakfast Breaks a couple of weeks ago, and they are a perfect solution for both kids and parents on the go! Not only are the prepackaged meals convenient, they're also very nutritious.
Natalie's pack came with Honey Nut Cheerios cereal, an apple and cinnamon Fruit & Grain Bar, Minute Maid apple juice box, spoon, napkin, and moist towelette.
Matthew's pack had Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal, a strawberry Fruit & Grain bar, Minute Maid apple juice box, spoon, napkin and moist towelette.
The cereal comes in a disposable bowl and can be eaten with or without milk (milk not included). The packs can be stored in your pantry or refrigerator, but I recommend the refrigerator so the juice will be cold upon serving it.
I jokingly suggested that Natalie's "forgetting" to eat on Sunday was a ploy to get me to buy more Breakfast Breaks. Not that I needed any encouragement. I absolutely LOVE the idea myself.
And my kids? They raved endlessly about them and constantly beg me to buy them more(which is why I'm amazed that I forgot them on my last trip).
Had I remembered, Natalie would've been able to eat a complete, nutritious breakfast in the van on the way to church.
Be sure to check out the Breakfast Breaks website to find out where you can purchase these ingenious packs for your kids!
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