Thursday, August 28, 2008

Win a $10 Starbucks Card!

I have the privilege and honor of being nominated for The Hot Blogger Calendar! With this honor comes the chance for me to do a professional make-up session and photo shoot in NYC and an appearance in the calendar.

I'm up against some BIG names (Dooce, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, etc.) and some very popular bloggers.

But who has the best readers and friends in the blog world? I do!! And I'm not above bribing you all for your vote. *grin* If you vote for me, you could win a $10 Starbucks card PLUS an autographed copy of the calendar should I win.

So, all it takes is a few seconds to give me your vote. Just click this button below, then scroll to about 1/4 from the bottom of the names and vote for "BlondeBlogger":

OR, you can try scrolling down right here and voting for "BlondeBlogger" from this widget:

Then, simply leave a comment here letting me know you've voted and you're entered to win a $10 Starbucks card PLUS an autographed copy of the calendar should I win. You're on the honor system, so PLEASE....pretty, pretty, sure to vote if you leave a comment here.

If you spread the word for me, either in an email, or a post on your site, or any other way you can think to bring those votes in, I'll give you bonus entries (one for each action).

If you're emailing, just cc me (ablondeandherblog AT yahoo DOT com) and I'll put you down for a bonus entry. If you're posting or any other PR for me, just leave a SECOND comment here letting me know and I'll give you your bonus entries too.

Deadline to enter is 11:59 EST on Sunday, August 31, which is when voting closes.

Thank you in advance for your support. I think I might be able to pull this off with your help and I will be eternally grateful to all of you for that!!!


Unknown said...

long list of names there... but I found you :) got my vote and got onscreen confirmation! Best of Luck!

susan1215 said...

I voted for you! Good luck

chromiumman said...

i voted for you, right now you're in 38th place, good luck! said...

Voted! Good luck on winning!

Anonymous said...

course I voted for you!

Anonymous said...

I love a cup of joe!

Anonymous said...

I voted for you.

Anonymous said...

My vote is in!
num1twinkie at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Voted for you, I'm sorry you beat Anne Coulter and Dooce hands down. :)

BlondeBlogger said...

Aww, thank you, Mik, and thanks to all of you SO much for voting!!!

Unknown said...

I voted for you. Good luck!

Annie1 said...

Consider yourself "hot and voted for" :-)

windycindy said...

I just voted for you site. Good luck and I hope you win! Cindi

mar said...

I voted!

Anonymous said...

I voted for you. Good luck!

Tes283 said...

45 votes. I hope I did right. Good luck.

Jean F said...

Voted! Hope you win!

agordon10 said...


clc408 said...

Voted for you, Sweetie. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I voted!

aarmatthews at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

You have my vote. Good Luck!
Elaine R

miriama said...

Done. Good luck!

daw212 said...

I voted for "YOU" like everyone else but I don't know if my "YOU" is the same as your "YOU" but if I get the prize I'll know it was the right "YOU."

Smooshy said...

i voted for you!

Bebemiqui said...

I voted for you!

Kristy Blanco said...

Just voted! I'm crossing my fingers for you! :)

Heather said...

I voted for ya and sent a link to some friends to vote for you. Hopefully that helps me win. I'm having a major craving for a Double Chocolate Chip Frappichino! Yummy!

Anonymous said...

Just voted
BlondeBlogger : 62


Hetal said...

just voted

Unknown said...

Voted for you. Best of luck!

Glynis Peters said...

Good Luck!! voted and linked you in my I don't think we have many Starbucks here in Cyprus so give my winnings to charity LOL :)

llinda29 said...

just voted

Anonymous said...

I voted as you requested.

Zenas said...

I voted for you, good luck!!

mogrill said...

I voted! Thanks a bunch.

Cjnedrow said...

I voted for you!

sphinx63 said...

I voted for you, good luck!

Anonymous said...

I voted for you, but you seemed to more than 1/4 of the way
Alicia Webster

bfox74 said...

I voted for you...good luck!!

Anonymous said...


Polished10 said...

I voted for you :)
Good luck! Looks like you had 75 votes when I voted for you.

Anonymous said...


Cherie J said...

I just voted for you and you are up to 76 votes now. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

thanks a latte

Anonymous said...

felt kinda wiered voting for a girl but good luck

Zippy said...

That was quite a list...but, you got my vote.

idahomom said...


janetfaye said...

I voted for you!

Good Luck!!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I voted for you. Good luck.

kapgar said...

You already know you got my vote. But may as well enter a contest. Loves me the 'buck.

Karen said...


Erica C. said...

of course I voted! good luck to me AND YOU!

Letera said...

I voted for you! Hope you win, your hubby should enjoy the cop outfit! lol

Anonymous said...

wow, that list was long but i voted for you. hope you win!

fertawert AT yahoo DOT com

msrodeobrat said...

thats a lot of people, but i did vote

Aubrey said...

You got my vote!

Todd said...

Voted :) Good Luck!

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

voted thanks and good luck

sabb266 said...

Voted for you, good luck

joahsgrandma said...

I voted for you. Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I voted too! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Voted for you! Good luck to you (and to me too....I love Starbucks)

bevsclark said...

I voted for you. It would be nice if they could alphabetize that list. I can't believe how many people are in the running. Good luck to you!

Belinda said...

Voted. Good luck!

Linda said...

I voted! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

I voted for you!

Anonymous said...

Consider it done! Good luck. You're doing pretty well in the standings so far I think.

Anonymous said...

I voted for you and I think you are hot.

jay at cascadestaff dot com

Jessilyn82 said...

You have a fabulous blog, I voted for ya!

Erica G said...

I voted for you! Congrats!

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

Fae said...

i voted! i hope you win! good luck.

Amy G. said...

I voted for you, hope you win!

Millie said...

I voted for you hottie ;) Thanks for the chance to win!

Doreen said...

Voted for ya grrrrl!! :) Please hook me up with some yummy Starbucks! ;) purposedrivenlife4you(at)gmail(dot)com

Roxy said...

voted! good luck!

Julieh said...


llkent said...

I voted for you.

Anonymous said...

Geesh, they really buried you down towards the bottom. I found you and voted for you!

Amber said...

I voted for you. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I voted for you!! Good luck!!

RachelMcClure said...

I voted for you ten times! Good Luck, and thanks!

Anonymous said...

Voted good luck

reddon30 said...

Got my vote...thanks for the contest

Tammy said...

Hope you win, voted for you!

Anonymous said...

I voted for you!!

bison61 said...

I voted for you!

tiramisu392 (at)

Chelsea said...

i voted for you! and maybe i'll win your "bribe"

DEY said...

you got my vote!

Stacy said...

Good luck, you got my vote.

Anonymous said...

i voted :) it took kind of a while to find you lol my eyes aren't so great.
good luck:)

btw, i love your pink background!

genrefin said...

I voted

Anonymous said...

voted,good luck with the well deserved treat

pitaharmon said...

Sure, I voted for you. I have never been to Starbucks, even though there is one down the road a bit. I sure could use a coffee right now.

judybrittle said...

You got my vote and good luck! Thank you so much!

Darlene said...

I voted for you. Good luck!

dhunt said...

I voted for you, good luck!!

Betty C said...

I voted for you. Good luck!

Jinxy and Me said...

I voted for you. Good luck!

kaylee8 said...

Wishing you the best of luck! I voted for you!

AudreyO said...

I voted. Good luck!

rlgrady said...

I voted for you. Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

as you suggested I voted.

yadgirl said...

I voted for you.

Donna said...

Count me in also please.

Anonymous said...

I voted!

Anonymous said...

I also voted!

haomom said...

long list of names but found you and voted...good luck!

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