Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dial Campaign for Clean Hands Giveaway

If there is one thing my kids will remember me for when they grow up, it will be my famous question, "Did you wash your hands?" I always have my kids wash their hands when coming back from being outside, after using the bathroom, etc.

And we do the 30-second rule too. "Warm water, wash for 30 seconds, then rinse."

As our pediatrician put it, "Would you rather puke, or wash your hands?" Which I make sure I ask my kids whenever they complain about having to wash up.

I had the opportunity to review Dial Complete and our whole family loves it! We tried their "Soothing White Tea" scent and it smells heavenly. It definitely gives me more incentive to wash my hands, just because I love the smell so much.

In addition to the delicious scent, the soap foams up nicely and contains lotion, something very important to me and my children as we all have sensitive/dry skin.

Dial Complete recognizes the importance of good hand washing and has put together a Campaign for Clean Hands. Based on findings from the Dial Complete® brand's Campaign for Clean Hands survey, moms are the top influence in teaching their children proper hand washing.

When asked, "When you were a child, who taught you proper hand washing?," 76 percent of the individuals surveyed answered their mother was responsible for teaching them to wash their hands. So I'm obviously not alone!

The Campaign for Clean Hands is a program designed to engage and educate families about the importance of proper hand-hygiene.

The campaign's Web site features:
  • a video contest for kids
  • an online "DC Germ Blaster" video game
  • a variety of fun, educational hand washing materials parents can print and share with their children, including a home hand washing chart, coloring and activity sheets, bookmarks and a memory game.
  • a sweepstakes visitors can enter to win a year's supply of Dial Complete foaming hand wash.

Head on over and take advantage of all the site has to offer!

Want to win a case of Dial Complete right here? Just leave a comment on this post. Bonus entry if you blog about this contest with a link to this post and to the Campaign for Clean Hands. (please leave a separate comment here with your link so I can give you credit for your entry).

Be sure there is an email I can find where you can be reached or your entry cannot be counted. Deadline to enter is 11:59 EST, Wednesday, October 1.

Disclaimers: Winner has two weeks from the time of notification to claim their prize or the prize will be forfeited. So a Blonde Walks Into a Review is not liable for any prizes not delivered by contest sponsors or prizes lost in the mail.

So A Blonde Walks Into A Review


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Mysharona said...

count me in

Denice P- doozercries said...

this is something i would love to have because i like to have soap at every faucet in my home. thank you for the contest!

peg42 said...

What a great prize. We have taught our kids to wash their hands as soon as they walk in the door after school. We see that it's helped keeping sickness away from our home. I love how your Pediatrician put it..."Would you rather puke, or wash your hands?" Got to remember this, just in case the kids get lazy. lol
Thanks so much for this giveaway. We'd really love to win. Thanks.


I am a strict handwasher too, I will even holler when I hear the older ones and even hubs go to the bathroom- you touched it wash the hands- you don't want to get the whole house sickk with something

diesel51 said...

Hand washing is so important. I carry a hand cleaner gel so I can use it when I am out. Sometimes the restroom sink is filthy, no soap or towels. The blower is even dirty and doesn't work. I hate to ever let the kids touch the door handle at malls or restaurants. I try not to be a germ paranoid person, but an ounce of soap is needed.

Jill said...

Definitely want to stay healthy this winter and my family knows how important it is to wash their hands. This would be a great win.

jilllear at hotmail dot com

deb126 said...

would love to win, thanks for a great giveaway!!!

kamewh said...

Big handwashers here too! Thank you for the giveaway!!

huggr1960 said...

Handwashing is 50 times a day for me workiing in the ER

rosannepm said...

Would put this to good use

Henry said...

I'm out of handsoap.. This would be s much better than the watered down cheap stuff I buy!

rosannepm said...

Nice gentle soap

Anonymous said...

I need this for the classroom, especially when cold and flu season returns.

Jenn S. said...

Everyone can use more soap, especially during the cold/flu season.

Anonymous said...

love to win

Toby said...

Great prize! I love Dial Complete!

geekbearinggifts said...

I love Dial, wash hands constantly to try to keep everyone healthy, and hope I win! Thanks so much for the offer!

Dumaurier said...

I'm a germaphobe, so I go through soap like crazy!

strawberry3d said...

never can have enough of hand soap.

Beth said...

My mom taught me to always wash my hands too. It doesn't feel right not to wash regularly -- kind of like not wearing a seat belt while driving! Thanks for the giveaway.

Elkaye said...

This is a great prize, especially since I'm around children pretty often.


mar said...

I think Dial is the best brand - I use and have used Dial soaps my entire life!

Anonymous said...

Can't get any better than having a non ending supply of soap for handwashing.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win. Thanks!

Deborah said...

Hand washing has kept us in good health while those around us succumbed to the flu or a virus.

Sharon said...

great contest...would love to win. thanks so much!

JRG said...

I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

With a 2 year old who's nickname is Pigpen, I could really, really use a case of handsoap. He loves dirt. He'll just lay down in the dirt and roll. When he stands up bits of dirt will be dropping of him.I have to fight him every time I sweep up the dirt on the floors. He wants to play in the pile of dirt that I have swept up.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a huge supply of soap! With my messy kids it would be very helpful.

Angela said...

This would be great for my family!

abfantom said...

I would like to win this. Please enter me.

idahomom said...

I feel like I am always telling my kids to wash their hands.

lydiaw said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Judy said...

Dial has already been my favorite soap. I have tried alot of other soaps, but I do like dial the best, and I like the smell, it has a fresh clean smell

LisaOvercash said...

Hand washing is so important. I work at hospital and they even have the health nurse show the proper way to wash hands.

shelley said...

This is a great prize because every one uses soap and the way money is something we can really use.

denyse said...

Wow- we could really use this!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this.

Kirby McCauley said...

You can never have too much hand soap. Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

I could use this!

clynsg said...

I try to keep refills at all sinks in the house, and this would make it easier.

Elena said...

We use a lot of soap around here, and Dial is great! Thanks for the contest!

KLM39 said...

This would be a really great prize.

Anonymous said...

Our daughter thinks it's fun to keep washing her hands over and over again. So, we go through alot of hand soap.

cathirushing said...

great soap ~ great sweeps

Rhonda said...

I wash my hands all the time. Food contamination is important to me.

typhi said...

great giveaway! we use this at both our sinks at home. Not only do my kids hear about washing their hands at home they also get it at school where we also have to supply the soap for their classroom.
Thanks again for offering this

kdkdkd said...

great site to help me teach my kids the impotance of hand washing. I am working on that right now with my 3 year old so the home hand washing chart and coloring and activity sheets and great!

Anonymous said...

Your hands can never be too clean

katybaby said...

Would love this!

Erica C. said...

dial is awesome, thanks!

tatertot374 said...

Thank you for having this! I am constantly washing my hands. I have 3 children so I am trying to get them in the good habit. My 2 year old daughter has picked it up quite well. She is always asking me to wash her up :) Thank you!

imjasonc said...

Nice giveaway, I want to win !! Thanks !!!

Anonymous said...

I could really use this.

rebbi511 at

kygirl said...

I agree hand washing is very important.

DePro said...

My husband works outside and goes through soap like candy. Could really use this.

Monique said...

I am always pushing hand washing with my little ones. We love Dial Complete! Thanks for the chance!

Hetal said...

enter me in

Anonymous said...

I've taught my kid's to wash their hands after playing outside, after school, etc.


littlelatina said...

help keep my boys clean

Carlee said...

thanks for the contest

susan1215 said...

Please enter me

DEY said...

Great giveaway, thanks!

llinda29 said...

I wash 6 or 7 times a day

Anonymous said...

we could so use this, maybe this way I can get my honey to wash his hands as much as I think he needs too. 8-)

thanks for the chance Blonde and Dial!

Anonymous said...


Tina12312 said...

We love Dial! Thank you for the great contest!

retellingstories said...

Great giveaway! As a proud germaphobe, I wash my hands and my childrens hands often. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My Grandpaw used to work for Dian Corp., so I don't think my parents EVER bought any soapy products when we were growing up. Now that I've been on my own for 10 years, I'm proud to say I am a HUGE Dial fan! Thanks for the wonderful opportunity to win!

kristilb19 said...

I love Dial, love to win!

jffryclough said...

this would be a nice win and i could give some away

dwhogan said...

good luck to all


we use dial

Sonya Cocherell said...

This would be great to win. Thanks for the chance.

Katmagick said...

I've been using Dial bar soap since I was a little kid. I recently tried the Dial Complete and we all love it. This is a really great prize. Thanks for the chance to win it! :)

danosor said...


Unknown said...

I work in Healthcare. I wash my hands so much, my fingerprints are blurry.

Beverley said...

We've used Dial for decades. Great product.

stowelljg said...

Just what the doctor ordered!

stowelljg said...


Jinxy and Me said...

What a super useful prize!

Jinxy and Me said...

I will also be putting your contest in my Friday post here:

barbmccrea said...

This would sure be nice, with my husband being a quadriplegic I have to keep things clean and It seems I wash my hands a hundred times a day.
thanks for the chance to win!
barbmccrea (at) hotmail (dot) com

Lena said...

Dial is my favorite soap! Thanks for the great giveaway, hope I win!

EDRing said...

With three grandaughters this would be great to have on hand.


Cjnedrow said...

this would be great! thanks for the giveaway!

silverbele said...

I have dry skin so washing hands sometimes burns.

mogrill said...

Dial is a wonderful soap. We would use this in our household.

msrodeobrat said...

handwashing is so important, this is a great practical win

Anonymous said...

This is a great product. So much less mess, too.

pticester @

janetfaye said...

Dial soap is a good product.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

miriama said...

Love Dial products

miriama said...

Love Dial products

Carolyn said...

I prefer the foaming soap. It makes washing more fun! I also like the pleasant scent.

Betty N said...

We use only Dial soap for showering. I have not yet tried Dial complete but I am sure we would like it. Wow! a case of it! That would be awesome!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. We have hand soap at every sink in the house. Dial is a well trusted brand too.

Becca Ann said...

We love dial at our house!

Anonymous said...

With 5 boys, we could really use this!

Karen said...

Dial is great !!

Anonymous said...

The thing to tells kids when they are washing is to sing the Happy Birthday song. That way, the 30 second rule will work.

plhill2000 said...

I could really use this with all my grandkids who come over.

pintolinda said...

This is so useful. Thank you for the giveaway.

SeahorseLady said...

I have a weak immune system and am always washing my hands.
Thanks for the nice and clean giveaway.

Ken said...

Out, out, d-mn spot. Please accept my entry.

txgiggles45 said...

You have a gorgeous web site!! Thank you for the contest!

shay77 said...

Would love to win

CaseyDeuce said...

What an awesome giveaway, how useful!!

CaseyDeuce said...

Blogged ya!!

Kristin said...

You know I don't usually enter giveaways, but I want this! I buy Dial already for the bathrooms and around here we wash our hands. I wnat to win to save some extra money. haha! That's the truth, yep!

Jessie said...

it'd be great to win.

Anonymous said...

Dial us C-L-E-A-N.

zoz said...

The Cool Plum scent sounds yummy. Thanks for the contest!

yadgirl said...

Count me in

Beverley said...

Dial is just the best!

Amber said...

This would really come in handy! I always make sure my boys wash their hands often....any time they come inside, after school, when we get back from the store, before eating, etc. We use a lot of soap!

BOJESNE said...

Does the blonde come with the soap!

Greenhen said...

We use Dial soap. I works well with disfecting scrapes which I seem to get alot of. It has cut down on flu and cold around here. I got to try the soothing green tea.

Maja said...

We love DIal.

kktwins said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you.

valerie2350 said...

wonderful prize!

Anna said...

We love Dial soap here. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Awesome prize. With 3 kiddos we can definatel use this!

hebert024 at aol dot com

RoseFan said...

I could always use some free soap, thanks for the chance....

Belinda said...

This comes in great scents.
Thanks for the chance to win!

ANNE S said...

We keep a bottle of this by the kitchen sink and wash with it before touching food. Right now it's the Soothing White Tea.

Unknown said...

We love Dial products! And we go through a lot, especially during cold/flu season. Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stressing the importance of hand washing. It is so vital and important in the prevention of so many viruses. If you start kids really early, they will develope good habits later on that they won't even have to think about.

genrefin said...

Great giveaway.. I could always use some soap.

hayley said...

Yay for clean hands! (especially as we move into flu season)

oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com

elangomatt said...

My mother was definitely the one that taught me to wash my hands all the time. Thanks for the giveaway!!



Grandma & Mom taught us!!! What a great prize!

lopez1 said...

only hand soap i use! michelle lopez

bison61 said...

I'm very strict about hand washing-I'm always after the boys to clean up-great prize

tiramisu392 (at)

nolaffing said...

Wow! Name brand soap! My family would faint in shock at seeing "name brand" instead of "off brand" in our house! LOL!

malleycc said...

WOW great contest. We sure could use this. We go thru soap like crazy and my kids complain too. Thanks for the giveaway.

Barbara Montag said...

I always wash my hands well as soon as I get home.
So I could sure use this.

Anonymous said...

With cold season starting to kick in, this would be an AWESOME prize to win.

yyeres said...

thanks for this giveaway. yyeres at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this! I am constantly washing my hands to avoid much so that I am also always putting on lotion too! Winning this would be great. Thanks for the great giveaway!


annulla said...

Great contest - I'd love to win and have the cleanest hands in town. :)

Blather From Brooklyn

Wehaf said...

The cost for hand soap can really add up, so I'd love to win this!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Tracey said...

with five us in the house, three of them children we go through a lot of hand soap..dial foaming soap is the only one we use because it seems to last longer than the other brands.

kmg365 said...

Can't possibly have too much handsoap around the house.

Connie said...

Soap is great. I wash my hands too much really.

Stylib38 said...

Hi Count me in for the drawing please

Anonymous said...

Great prize and review.

sweetiepie said...

Great useful prize, love to win it.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway.
I would LOVE to win !!

PokeyLady said...

A wonderfully useful prize! My family goes through quite a bit of soap as I've always taught them the importance of handwashing. This was handed down to me by MY MOTHER who, additionally, also said "the first ingredient on ANY recipe is to wash your hands!" I've tried to reinforce the habit with my own kids! Thanks for having the giveaway!

ky2here said...

scrubba, scrubba, scrubba.

Brianne said...

There could never be too much soap in this house!!

Donna said...

Count me in please.

Fangirl Jen said...

what a great campaign. I am no germaphobe, but I do get nervous about all of the illnesses we can pick up just touching ordinary objects in our day to day life.

Doorknobs, shopping carts, elevator buttons...

Carolyn said...

My daughters are great about washing, but my son...Wow, clean is not his thing!

mom21 said...

I can never have enough soap in my house as I am a little OCD when it comes to washing hands.

Angela said...

Ohh. I love the "would you rather puke.." comment. I'll have to use that.

Sonya said...

With a 3 and 5 year old, we go through a LOT of soap!

Unknown said...

With 4 kids in the house, we could really use this.

john1948 said...


Unknown said...

Nice prize!

JaniceJ said...

We love Dial Complete. Thanks for the giveaway.

chromiumman said...

great prize!

Anonymous said...

If everyone washed their hands colds and flu would be nil in the winter. I use the pocket sprayers when I am out and cant wash

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly obsessive about hand washing. I just know how important it can be in helping to prevent illness.doot65{at}comcast[dot]net

Teresa690 said...

This is so great! You can never have too much soap! Thanks!

vboackle said...

this would come in handy,haha.

Faither said...

This would be great to help cut down on winter colds.

paryjeja said...

please enter me

sewingmema said...

Great for my granddaughters who love to touch everything.

missdenise said...

Thanks for the chance!

lorides said...

would love to win for my daughter's day care center

rbauske said...

clean hands are good!

kaylee8 said...

This would be wonderful to have in my classroom!

tesashel said...

What a great prize. I'd donate at least half to the local school. Washing hands is the most effective way to keep a community well.

Brn2lisn said...

Great product. Thank you


iggysaysno said...

We are very messy and could always use soap! lol

Sonya said...

We go through so much soap, both at home and at school!

dvice12 said...

Great giveaway

5webs said...

We have three messy, and, at times, filthy children. This would be wonderful to win.
Alicia Webster

aprilgup said...

Nice giveaway!

Susan W said...

Would love to win this since I wash my hands MANY times during the day.
I run a daycare if that tells you anything,lol.
Thanks so much!

phogle said...

This is a great giveaway so useful

babycat1216 said...

With flu season almost at our door we can all use this! Ty for the great contest!

bazbal said...

I hate when people don't wash their hands. Thanks for the giveaway!

luckichicka said...

count me in!

Karrie said...

I could really use this, thanks for the giveaway

Millie said...

What family with kids doesnt need this?Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Pick me I'm saving all my $$ for my upcoming little one and free soap would help me out so much.

Anonymous said...

Nice prize!

jlafount said...

Dial is always a solid product

Ally said...

This looks like a great prize. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Think about it said...

This is a great prize for all!!!

Nikki said...

This would be great to win!

Lisa Garner said...

With three children this would be really handy to win.

lisalmg (at) ktis (dot) net

Helen said...

I can never have too much handsoap!

robt6 said...

Great prize, enter me please.

Anonymous said...

You can never have too much soap!!

Molly C. said...

What a great campaign!! We go thru a ton of soap in our house.

Morgan said...

Great Idea, too many people and too many billions of dollars are wasted because of people not washing their hands, including doctors.

Samantha P said...

i'd love to win this!

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