Thursday, January 15, 2009

Light Your Way with Step 'N Shine - Giveaway

My grandma has had several falls in her bathroom due to her age and frail health. Making her way through the dark in the middle of the night is not easy for her.

That's why I was so happy to find out about Step 'n Shine, an ingenious product that will help her easily get the light she needs to get safely to the bathroom.

Thanks to Southard Communications, we were able to test the Step 'n Shine Solid Night Light System seen here at Walmart:

The package came with one, wireless, activator mat in a solid beige color, one light with adhesive backing as well as a hook to hang the light. (Click here to see Step 'n Shine's online site, which provides more lights in their package, or you can order extra lights through Walmart.)

The benefit of Step 'n Shine is that it only lights up when you need it. Simply step on the mat to activate it and it sends a wireless signal to the other light (the mat lights up as well). You can choose where you'd like the other light to be....a bathroom, nusery, hallway, stairs, etc.

Here are some of the benefits of the Step 'n Shine:
  • Completely wireless
  • Operates up to a 100 ft. range
  • Wireless remote illuminator light is perfect to use on the newborn's changing table
  • Just step and a gentle light automatically illuminates the room without disturbing anyone
  • Comes in an attractive, solid beige color
  • Requires six "AA" batteries (not included)

There are also colorfully printed mats for toddlers and older children, or for moms to use in a nusery.

Click here, to see the youth mats at Step 'n Shine's website, or here to see the nursery mat at WalMart:

After trying it out for ourselves, we felt good giving the system to my grandma for Christmas and she really loved the concept herself when she saw it. I'll rest easier knowing that she's a little safer at night now thanks to Step 'n Shine.

There is also a Snuggle 'n Shine Bear for kids that works similarly to the Step 'n Shine mat system:

Your child sleeps with the cuddly bear and when he/she needs to get up to use the bathroom (or for any other reason), he/she simply gives the bear a squeeze and the bear lights up.

Just as with the mat system, there is another light (in the shape of a little bear) placed wherever you choose that also lights up, giving your child a safe, lighted path to their destination:

Again, thanks to Southard Communications, my daughter was able to review this adorable product. She not only likes to be able to see where she's going, but she feels much more secure having both the light to guide her and the bear to hold when she needs to use the bathroom.

Want to win the Snuggle 'n Shine Bear for the child in your life? Simply leave a comment here to enter. The contest is limited to U.S. residents only (sorry!)

You can receive additional entries by doing one or all of the following:

~Twitter with a link to this post. Then leave a separate comment here with your Twitter link.

~Blog about this contest with a link to this post. Then leave a separate comment here with the link to your post.

~Post my button on your blog and then leave a separate comment here letting me know it's posted and where. Here's the code for the button:

So A Blonde Walks Into A Blog

Be sure that there is an email address for you that I can find, or your entry will have to be disqualified. By entering, you automatically agree to all the rules and disclaimers listed here.

Deadline to enter is 11:59 EST, Thursday, January 22, 2009. Winner will be selected at random using Good luck!

So A Blonde Walks Into A Review


nape said...

I swear, it all must be magic. These are all wonderful items. I especially love the kids' bath mat with a cute prints.

Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

nape said...


valerie2350 said...

this is so cute - what a great idea!

valerie2350 said...


valerie2350 said...


great innovative and needed items thanks

Anonymous said...

very cool product, my son is afraid of the dark, he'd love this!

autumn398 (at)

mar said...

This would be so fine for my little grandson - he does not like the dark and he loves bears!

Darlene said...

Nice prize!

peg42 said...

All these nightlight ideas are wonderful. I would love to win this for my son. Thanks so much for this giveaway.

Unknown said...

My son & family with my 2 1/2 yr old grandson just moved in. They are still not familiar with my upstairs in the dark and this would be a perfect solution!

vboackle said...

what a neat idea.

Susan said...

My son would love this!

sweetsue said...

This would be great for my 2 year old granddaughter who just recently has become afraid of the dark!
smchester at gmail dot com

Steph said...

I would love to win this for my daughter. It is adorable.

tatertot374 said...

I would love to win this for my daughters. Thank you!

AmandaK said...

My daughter would go crazy over this!!!


Anonymous said...

These products are wonderful for those of us who need to be safe. Thank you

Heather said...

How interesting!

Ingrid said...

What a great gift for your grandmother. This is an amazing giveway for not just our parents and grandparts but for everyone. I'm famous for getting out of bed at night without turning on a light. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.

suzie said...

My son is 7 and still has extreme anxiety issues and is still afraid of the dark, so this would be great for him. Thanks for the contest.

Denise S. said...

Very soft and cute. Count me in!

Miss Spoken said...

Any kid would love this

Mamushi Love said...

How cute~ I'd love to win this for my God-daughter.
Thanks for the chance to win!


Anonymous said...

What a cute idea - you see these things and then think to yourself "Why didn't I think of that?!"


cathy2406 said...

What a simple yet wonderfully packaged idea in both the mat and the

jenny said...

ok i well al ready got this guy so well i can tell you as to some that i know abt him and well hes just grate and well you think my kid would like to play with the soft bear at night time no she loves holding the night lite bear and well it realy does give off a lot of lite .

KR said...

Great idea!

Betty N said...

My 3 1/2 year old grandson would love this bear.

mverno said...

love to win for my grandson

cookiert said...

Cute! My daughter might like this.

Anonymous said...

This would be great for my 3 year old son to feel safe at night.

carrym said...

It's really amazing what they are coming up for kids! How perfect and comforting this would be.

DEBIJOT said...

my grandson would adore this. Thanks.

cpullum said...

My daughter would love this she has a hard time sleeping!

Heather said...

The light up bear is a great idea, thanks.

miriama said...

Oh, how adorable! I want this for my granddaughter.

sphinx63 said...

The bear and the mat are great ideas! Thanks

idahomom said...

My son collects Teddy Bears and this sure would be a special one.

GALENA said...


judybrittle said...

I just love it! I know my granddaughter would love it too! Thank you!

littlelatina said...

great prizes I'm in

Karen said...

Very sweet - count me in please :)

ktgonyea at

Anonymous said...

awww what an awesome product!! It's so sweet!! I would love to win this thanks for the chance!!!!!!

Beverley said...

My three year old grandson has been diagnosed as autistic. This would be great for him at bedtime.

mogrill said...

My daughter would love this bear! Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

This would be perfect for my godson who is potty training. He does really good during the day but gets scared to get up at night to go to the bathroom. This would definitely make him feel more secure. Thanks for the chance!!!

sherri419 at gmail dot com

EDRing said...

My grandaughter would love this. She would sleep with it every night.


Jayme said...

my nephews would love this, thanks!!


heaventrees said...

I am so glad you featured these products because I had never heard of them. They are just what I need for both an elderly relative and a little one, too. They may fight over which one gets the bear though!

Think about it said...

I would love to win for my little niece.

Karen said...

This is awesome, would love to win it for my little girl. Thanks for the chance.

Dave said...

What a great idea. This would be great to have for my little nephew. Sometimes he is a little afraid if the dark and this would be a big help. Thank you for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Both of these are wonderful ideas. The little bear would be a boon for the 4-year-old who sometimes just wants a little light at night.

Anonymous said...


Sharon said...

Would LOVE to win for granddaughter...thanks for entry

Sharon said...

have your button on my sidebar. thanks again

3boyzmom said...

I would love to win this!! I'd put it in the room my 2 youngest boys share, they would love it, as they're scared of the dark on some nights.

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

This is such a great idea!

stormraven at gmail dot com

3boyzmom said...

I posted your button on my blog

3boyzmom said...

I blogged this giveaway here:

Niki said...

How cute

Bonnie said...

this would be so great for my grandson with cerbeal palsy to use to go to potty at night. thansk for the chance

Carolyn said...

My daughter has a dear friend with Down's Syndrome. She is afraid at sleepovers and this would be a welcome gift!

Carolyn said...

I have your button on my blog!

Kacey and Katrina said...

My toddler would love this!

Gabriel S-J. said...

Please, enter me, great prize!!! I would love to win this.

legab67156 (at) gmail (dot) com

valerie2350 said...

this looks great - would love to win

valerie2350 said...

Carla said...

my son is getting into bears now and I think this would be a perfect fit for him

dominican757 at gmail dot com

ky2here said...

What a sensible solution to a sensitive challenge.

tracey73110 said...

thanks for the chance to win this my daughter.

Kari said...

I'd love this for my son!!

Unknown said...

This is really a great idea. My daughter would love to have a bear like this.

Sheila P said...

So cute! Would love to win!

sharonjo said...

Cannon would love the bear! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I would love to win this cute and very useful teddy bear for my son. Please count me in and thanks for the contest!
codisweepstakes at gmail dot com

bison61 said...

I'd love this for my grandson

tiramisu392 (at)

curlyblu918 said...

great for my niece

Kaycee said...

Super cute! Id love to have this for my daughter. You do great reviews.

kayceewilliams at gmail dot com

Jinxy and Me said...

This is so cute. I would love it for my nephew!

Cheryl F said...

I would love to win this for my grandson. Very cute, thanks!

rosannepm said...

Any of these bears or their accessories would be delightful to have

djgroz said...

We love bears at our house
Thanks for the contest

dbacksfan001 said...

I like the boy's Step-N-Shine.

Tina said...

My child is also afraid of the dark- what a great concept, and everyone loves bears.

jo1brat said...

Aww so cute I have just the little one that would love this bear

jennem said...

This would reduce the calls of "Mama" in the wee hours!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

Happi Shopr said...

I know a little boy who would love this bear. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Tinyblessing said...

This is a cute idea....thanks!

Jessica said...

The bear is soo cute!

annemarie562000 said...

My boyfriend's daughter would love this!!


Sonya said...

My kids would love this! They share a room and every night there is a battle about lights on or off, so this would be perfect for them both!

Pezzy said...

this bear would be great for my kids. thanks for the chance.

Karen said...

That is such a good idea. The bear is really cute. Thanks for the great giveaway.

asmgsk at gmail dot com

Amy said...

I so want to win this!! We just switched my toddler to his "big boy" bed and now all of the sudden he is afraid of the dark. I think this would really help him!! Thanks for the contest!


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

What a wonderful idea !
This would be not only Perfect for my youngest son but also for my elderly mother in law who lives with us six months out of the year.
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway.

Angela C said...

What a cute idea.I would love to win this for my son he sometimes gets scared sleeping in his own room.

Amanda C. said...

This would be great for my little girl. She wakes up in the middle of the night and comes to our room most nights. Thanks for the giveaway!

Charlene S. said...

This would be a great gift. What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Teddy bears are such a comfort to children and one that lights the way in the dark is amazing! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

SO adorable!

Anonymous said...

This is adorable and practical. I've been thinking of getting one of the adult mats for my mother since her medication makes her get up to go to the bathroom often.

Unknown said...

How cute! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This would be perfect for Liz and Tritan to use when they get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Right now they turn on the light in every room they pass through to get to the bathroom. Then they don't want to turn them off because they don't want to be in the dark.

Sheila Hickmon said...

Wow! This bear would be great for my daughter, she gets up at least once a night, and stumbles over herself or toys to get to the bathroom! Thanks for the chance!

Candie L said...

What a fun amazing product. My 6 year old would love this.


fancyfeet48 said...

what a wonderful idea

goodwitchglinda said...

I love the light, but the bear is so cute, too! Thanks!

Dan1658 said...

Very convenient

tlcfromtn said...

What a great idea! Thanks for the giveaway!

braaisjo at gmail dot com

delta dawn said...

I haven't seen is before how cool.

mdsywensky said...

OMG, we were just talking last night that we needed some kind of light up animal or something for our 5 year old so he could see to get out of bed in the middle of the night. We haven't seen anything like this though. VERY cool!

DMarti2620 said...

I have never heard of these products before...they all sound great! They would be so useful for those of us who get up at night in the dark.

mimi said...

i always have to get up at night so this would be great for me..i pack my nightlite when i stay over night..

thanks for a great giveaway

Mamushi Love said...

I think my God-daughter would enjoy this.


wendy wallach said...

what a great idea!

madamerkf at aol dot com

liliesrnice said...

such a cute idea and so useful! I hope I win it for my little one, though now that I know about it I think I'll put it on a gift list for her.


I just Love the Snuggle & shine bear & the Night Light! The kids would flip for this!
thanks so much for the chance to win!
It's truly adorable!

cdrury said...
snuggle and share bear would be wonderful for my grandkids

cdrury said...

David said...

I love the snugle and shine bear. my daughter would have a fit.

Donna said...

I would love it.

Helen said...

What a fantastic product!

Leah said...

This is soooo magically genius! : )))

Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))


Leah said...

And, I TWITTERED about this give~away.......user name: leahita.


Donna said...

I tweeted.

janetfaye said...

Please enter me.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I sent a tweet:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

lilyk said...

Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!

Erika Pearsall said...

This sounds like a great price.

Chareen Beason said...

I would love to win this bear for my son I got him one when he was a newborn and he had to have his snuggle bear before he could go to sleep and some how the guts got ripped out of it and he has been very disappointed cause his bear doesn't light up anymore and I want to make him happy by giving him a new one that lights up please and thank you

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