Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Start Healthy, Stay Healthy With Gerber - Giveaway

When my three kids were babies, there was only one brand of baby food I ever fed them....Gerber.

Gerber is dedicated to improving the nutrition and eating habits of growing children from birth to preschool. To show their dedication, they have created a Start Healthy, Stay Healthy campaign.

There have been 12,343 pledges made so far. Some of my favorites are:
  • "I pledge to explore the world through your eyes."
  • "I pledge to help you grow to your greatest potential."
  • "I pledge to laugh and play with you every day."
And here's a video from the campaign that made me teary-eyed:

To create your own Start Healthy Stay Healthy pledge, click here. There are also more inspirational videos like the one above over at the Start Healthy, Stay Healthy YouTube channel.

To help celebrate this new campaign, Gerber, in conjunction with New Media Strategies, is offering one lucky reader the chance to win a Gerber diaper bag filled with a recipe tin and teddy bear!

Simply share your pledge in the comments, and you’ll be entered to win. You can receive additional entries by doing one or all of the following:

~Twitter with a link to this post. Then leave a separate comment here with your Twitter link.

~Blog about this contest with a link to this post. Then leave a separate comment here with the link to your post.

~Post the button below on your blog and then leave a separate comment here letting me know it's posted and where. Here's the code for the button:

So A Blonde Walks Into A Blog

Be sure that there is an email address for you that I can find, or your entry will have to be disqualified. By entering, you automatically agree to all the rules and disclaimers listed here. This contest is open to US residents only.

Deadline to enter is 11:59 EST, Tuesday, February 10, 2009. Winner will be selected at random using Random.org. Good luck!

So A Blonde Walks Into A Review


anastasia said...

I pledge to to be there for you and love you no matter what.

Sheila Hickmon said...

I pledge to be the mom you know will be there for you always.

peg42 said...

I pledge to always have a hug for you.

I pledge to always be aware of your feelings.


I pledge to be always be there for you- thru good and bad and always have a hug even if I feel like crud because it cheers me up more than you :0)

Darlene said...

I pledge to try.

aglo said...

i pledge to laugh and play more

colorfulcarla said...

I pledge to minimize the amount of junk food in the house. colorfulcarla@ gmail.com

McKim said...

I pledge to let you live your own life, while always being there for you. kimkmc@yahoo.com

vboackle said...

i pledge to not stress out so much.

Helena Batt-Vesey said...

I pledge to always have time for you. Thanks for the giveaway!

Helena Batt-Vesey said...

I tweeted, http://twitter.com/helenabatt/status/1178938350

Helena Batt-Vesey said...

I blogged, http://giveawayzgalore.blogspot.com/2009/02/so-blonde-walks-into-review-gerber-gift.html

trishden said...

I pledge to listen to every word you say and not judge.

trishden said...

I tweeted on twitter here:


Carolyn said...

I pledge to help you love learning and keep learning every day of your life.

Carolyn said...

I have your button on my blog!

Unknown said...

I pledge to spend more time with loved ones.

Dierdra said...

I pledge to always laugh and smile with you.

onlytwoleft said...

i pledge to take you baby melany to all your dr visits to get you well. love grandma

Anonymous said...

I pledge to love myself and everytime I think a negative comment, I will reframe it with a positive comment -- same goes when I think about other people.

Thank you!
Amy (amyinkamloops *AT* gmail.com)

Sonya said...

I pledge to play physical games with you every day!

mverno said...

get everyone out of front of the tv and outdoors and get in better shape

Amanda said...

I pledge the become more environmentally friendly.

jdine said...

I pledge to save money for my child's education.

Melissa O. said...

I pledge to listen to what you have to say always, and respond without judgment.

Anonymous said...

I pledge to be there for you as long as you need me.

Anonymous said...

I pledge to give you the best life I can and love you unconditionally.

Anonymous said...

I pledge to love you unconditionally!

Sharon said...

have your button on my sidebar

Happi Shopr said...

I pledge to give you good, Godly counsel, raise you in a Christian home, be there for you always and love you no matter what. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Miss Spoken said...

I pledge to listen.

Tammy said...

I pledge to feed my family more natural and organic foods.

Tammy said...


Candie L said...

I pledge to try to take everything you say seriously. Thank you.


cathy2406 said...

I pledge to live for today and see the world through my daughters' eyes.

lilyk said...

I pledge to cook healthy and delicious meals.

Anonymous said...

Who was the winner of this one, I never did find it.

BlondeBlogger said...



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