I LOVE the Cassadine castle in the background during Nikolas, Liz and Lucky's part. And of course, the final credit goes to Luke!
This week, Sonny’s trial for murder begins! Michael is tormented when his father takes the fall for him while Dante is called to stand to testify against his father. Ooooh, the drama!
Here's a look at what's to come:
As a General Hospital Mom Ambassador, I have the opportunity to send a question to actress Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis). The question must be personal and not storyline dictated, so if you have something you would like me to ask for you, let me know in the comments on this post. I have to have my question in by Thursday, so make sure you post right away! I'll be sure to share her answers in a follow-up post.
Don't forget that you can follow along with me on Twitter each day as I tweet about the show. You can also follow all of the discussion among mom ambassadors and fans with the hashtag #ghmoms and/or #generalhospitalmoms.
And if you haven't already, be sure to enter the exciting contest at Mom Central where one lucky winner will be randomly selected to receive a trip to Los Angeles to visit the set of General Hospital and have a walk-on role!!
The sweepstakes is open until February 28th. To enter, click here to fill out the sign-up survey. Good luck!

Disclosure: I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for ABC Daytime and will receive a tote bag or other General Hospital branded items to facilitate my review.

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